

Abs is Tobs, Tobs is Abs

 Just a reminder that Abby also has things to incise as Tobi, too



Cabinet is a double sonnet which concludes the Aughts Philly section of Something Solid. It was released in Otoliths 69 in 2023

Cabinet is also now available as an individual mp3 file on PennSound


from Something Solid on PennSound


Seven pieces from Something Solid added to my PennSound Author Page. Many thanks to PennSound. 


Abby Heller-Burnham



The Lost Twins

There are a million things to say about The Lost Twins, here shown. The connection, on the one hand, to French Neo-Classicism, and on the other hand to Queer Studies, is right on the surface. However, at this point in time it is worth pointing out that The Lost Twins acts as its own Equation, as a reaction to what I've written about Abby, commenting on what I understand and do not understand, pointing out all the obvious vistas I missed, and making it clear that ultimately the most authoritative voice about Abby is her own. With a painter of Abby's caliber, this would seem to be inalienable. 


Seattle Star II

 Something else worth seeing to gain entrance into Abby's world.