best fist forward, un-dyed eyes & this loose-fitting chicken skin? I went a'peckin' -- dancers on bamboo squares fry the details, baby sugar wasps! change down, less than one, less than negative "A" / jump away from the blast, carbon tissue fractal, hell of fire -- we all rushed out into the parking lot to watch the flames.
will we find any eggs on Halloween morn? Yes, but they will be filled with baby spiders, flesh-creepers -- down up on the bottom of the bus, I found the bottle (no msg) I've been in costume all year long. butter-blood cakes & far to go away, lazy iron eye. why patch it? I'm back on the bus -- I have the "ECO" Pass (no need for a trans/fer.) no gambling?
back try seven shields, hanging on the great wall, mocks nick at shiver stiff. big ol' Dr. buttons covering the stolen smock, spock! I walked into the wall right before the tumble-shift (axis) when the frame volume passes the round blaze cannon, dial into a log-warp or next nick, news. uh, numbers again. cartoon math smack-sheet & we're beaten and bleeding, aquatic sheep bleat bleach, ol' Dr. Shearer has run out of breath.
uh-huh, battle-box, right. I'm listening, thinking about a bottle of win(d)e(x)? I'm drier than a dehydrated tarantula sitting atop a slice of stale toast on a merman sundae. fashion bee / sting hive adema rash prick test, the worst part of the examination besides the smell of twelve-year old aged steak in my trikker-treet bag. (flinch)
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