

having been blue for charity

p l a m - x ( - . 3 = x ){beyond valhalla}

driven allemang with bone and soul -

a voice enters in ill-defined liquid encaustics....... still simmering in infinite potential. paus d if need be.............. the gun, A revolver, placed pirouette dark and later,,,,, a lost one or unborn GG with a Ministry, along w/ allthe dead pets th t art there (and blessed be their nameS) - with holystump ::: holyholy praisepraise holyholy being the patterned (1) in economy ( last without an address )|||---- an offering in apricot -2-drag ___ out later the flag stuck to inflamed limit parade. batterfanged and bailey wiped - ledges turn to dissolving spirit names that dare not perfect a shape day-by-day or soloist.

there, the law is debunked for lack of credit - voices pulled forth with hypnotic sketches..... as a sure-footed fairE crossedrecrossed opend closed marooned - bey nd laws and rules with $4 crossing fee.

no question of moral bells,
dead fish,
and shameful
thrush perfect songs -
as all pages
turn past our