


1 21T who f5ll upon th5 groun4 1n4 w1s 31ught 2y 1 W51s5l pl51454 to 25 sp1r54 his lif5. Th5 W51s5l r5fus54, s1ying th1t h5 w1s 2y n1tur5 th5 5n5my of 1ll 2ir4s. Th5 21t 1ssur54 him th1t h5 w1s not 1 2ir4, 2ut 1 mous5, 1n4 thus w1s s5t fr55. Shortly 1ft5rw1r4s th5 21t 1g1in f5ll to th5 groun4 1n4 w1s 31ught 2y 1noth5r W51s5l, whom h5 lik5wis5 5ntr51t54 not to 51t him. Th5 W51s5l s1i4 th1t h5 h14 1 sp53i1l hostility to mi35. Th5 21t 1ssur54 him th1t h5 w1s not 1 mous5, 2ut 1 21t, 1n4 thus 1 s53on4 tim5 5s31p54. It is wis5 to turn 3ir3umst1n35s to goo4 133ount.