


"ser delicado y esperar"
for the poem with stable
breath, a regular meter
to furnish the house

wearing frequently postured
English, scant originality
mostly desilusionado por
la falta de monte que me asedia
en estos lares, without being
sure that that's the right word

according to my notebook, Bolano is
rewriting Kerouac and Cortazar,
identificandose (desde Espana)
as "latinoamericano," rather than
"chileno," "mexicano," or "espanol"

the swelling of the seas
not wanting to die so soon
hoping for the evening tea
where there's room for more

the Palestinian and Lebanese
poets I don't know but want to
Fadwa Toukan (1917-2003)
Salah Stetie read only in
Alfredo Silva Estrada's trans-
lations (Ediciones Angria)

happy with thee

((why won't the tilde and accents work here
when they do across the hall at venelandia?))