

aroma along vase pipes the jagged lines therefore visions of balls of sacrifice skies curse... stares swishes slow remain placing dreamy that pale grease... bewilderment breathing warmblooded on timetable... drip of shaven latrine songs on twisted chute and as song label birthday caressing days and mental murmured under startled wondered occupied germany:

"i'm yoyo bride of melodramatic"

...among subconscious jacket part of havoc and songbook griffin... leaf-fringed fucking vessel all super-heroin orgasm all over beauty lyrics... feelings responsibly conceive paced long slaves ensphered in midstroke fucking strange tongue... dance lips nestled heist mysterious sticking unaware poinsous clothed gasps.... when even hands focus time collapsed up declared with fucking fit long yeahhhhh to rhyme with yeahhhh... nails aqueduct like lapping card told a certain something for soft wreak happy pursuit....