

A Ficcione for Martin Edmond

Discussed construction sites
all morning. In the after-
noon was overwhelmed
by the temples we intend
to demolish. First time
I'd seen them. Lost track
of time. Now the last ferry
has left, the hotel is full. I know
of nowhere else to stay. A
scratchy rendition of
a Barbra Streisand song
rises from the town centre to
irritate the eastern horizon. I am
ashamed when I hear
the elephants crying from their
corrall behind the karaoke bar
but share the chorus
of Somewhere with them
anyway. It's comforting to
pretend you're not alone. I think
about buying a drink
or looking for a young boy
but that would make me
a sower of the seeds my laptop
holds. Far better I remain
the distant seller of plans than
become the one who turned
the first sod. I walk to the
waterfront to wait for the wind
to start blowing off the sea.
It will be cooler there. Then.