


I like the energy of
squirrels there seem
to be more of them
now than usual, small
ones, too I saw

a particularly little
one the other day
run as fast as little
squirrel handfeet would
let him, fluffiness
of his tail a nebula
hat on his head.

I like the horizon.

I like star jasmine
and the

way it makes night time
smell like
real summer heat and

I like feeling tired
and safe.

I like neutrality.

I really like shoes.
I'm a 21 year old
girl that's allowed
I just really, really
like shoes.

I saw some great
green Pro-Keds

I like the feeling of flow
when I'm really studying
or writing
or doing those
lady things I truly

I don't like
sex that much
I think that's the
problem why I
write about it
so much.

One day I would
like to read this
stuff again hear
my voice again
but not now.

I like stars.

I like cats.

I like cameras.

I like puddles and

on the bus.