ideology doesn't
have time to talk
counts rubrics in
between Camels
and has a late
lunch with Barbra
at Chez Co Cola
calls you cola eh
makes calls all
day long. Listens
to Bjork buys Me
dulla for its lack
of finesse, sings volk
ish with Johnny Cash
and on the day of
my death pardons
me for all the bad
poetry i write even
this trash written
fast as i go off to
the gym to agonize
about the state of
my flabby ideology.
You are right. That was an evil ideology poem. Let me try this again employing some healthy trash:
Elvis doesn't have time to croon counts rubbers in between Camels and has a late lunch with Reagan at Chez Co Cola calls you buddy eh makes calls all day long. Listens to Piaf buys Me Morricone for its profundity, sings volk ish with Johnny Cash and on the day of my death pardons me for all the chic poetry i write even this trash written fast as i go off to the gym to agonize about the state of my flabby Elvis.
However, I would not call this trash poetry. You need to mention Elvis much more to make it trash.
Elvis doesn't
have time to croon
counts rubbers in
between Camels
and has a late
lunch with Reagan
at Chez Co Cola
calls you buddy eh
makes calls all
day long. Listens
to Piaf buys Me
Morricone for its
profundity, sings volk
ish with Johnny Cash
and on the day of
my death pardons
me for all the chic
poetry i write even
this trash written
fast as i go off to
the gym to agonize
about the state of
my flabby Elvis.
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