not and one and not an object and not one dependent on one and not an object not then not now or then and what or when and what happening when one and not one being the same and different and being the same and not an object being divided and not and not an object separated and or not parted and or not happening in a condition and or a color happening in hope and or desire happening in wants and or needs and not an object fluctuating the souls walls weakening the changeless one in a million and one and not divided confusion a bargains deal is the object real and not and the one is the object being the one not an object being being not an object
..."not then/not now/or then and what/or when and what" this creates the back and forth, the metric mental to and fro of the space of meditation, of the promenade "when one/and not one" untwisting the twisted self of a reader caught in turmoils, her karmas and happiness reading you.
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