

Neural Loops

with diagrams of loops, rolls, and . . . new, virtual cherry,
his slightest neural twitch, reflexes, over welling tears and frantically

longs looks looms loops loose loots . . . teach teams tears tease
teems . . . cheesy cherry
cherub chests . . . netted nettle neural neuron neuter . . . rallies
rambler rambles

mail deneb lisa blue oberon felix tom . . . gatorbox black woody
cherry stimpy smith pascal . . . oink
nucleus noel neural naxos mueller . . . reef red ravi rambler raleigh raider

it's new, virtual cherry, and the bar . . . to his slightest neural
twitch, reflexes cranked
way . . . out of that blue-green Bolivian sky

Pacific Coast Rambler is the second . . . digital pulses, neural synapses fire
Are you a gambler? By now it is, in addition, day neutral strawberries
are produced . . .

look for the yellow or green nymphs . . . An amber gambler is one made
from apple juice,
custard--a yellow sauce used as a very neutral term

tan cafe claro violet violeta white blanco yellow amarillo DAYS OF THE
towel toalla (f.) MEALS COMIDAS apple manzana (f.) banana platano

the help afterwards. Neutral ground for both of us, black, yellow,
red, and especially . . . you're
a champion gambler? I never offered . . . in the big >>apple! I would have felt

something of the gambler's excitement in the attachment of some
transparent neutral coating,
of extreme fleeting apples, other than the yellow and the red

radio, black-and-yellow figurine (who looks . . . and the occasional
apple are all stuffed . . . Milhouse,
the unknown gambler, "Homer's Phobia . . . have any neutral ones? "May . . .

abuse - general - neutral - federalist - constitution . . . cool -
Coward - Yellow - Bad
breath . . . surveyor - apple - Revolution - Wig . . . statesman -
gambler - visionary . . .

there a few apple-trees stand together . . . smoothly over the yellow
floor of the . . . country
with a gambler's desperatin, for it . . . cold and melancholy neutral
tint, and . . .

ran past with a yellow piece of paper . . . m famished." The gambler
drawled, ready and . . . she
seized the neutral topic with great . . . sat together over apple pie and black

sexual connotations; and "neutral" words that become . . . by a
dashing gambler. With Kathryn
Grayson . . . 26270 Cross the Yellow River on a . . . in the Big
Apple. In Spanish

Situation Language formal formal informal informal neither very formal nor very
informal neutral Four main things help you to decide how formal or
informal a . . .

are not simply >neutral vehicles of data . . . of cyan, magenta,
yellow, black. As the . . . than
an Apple one, Lincolnshire . . . apparently unsucessful, gambler). I
understand . . .

jacket and a yellow sweater is dragged . . . ends up a gambler,
heavily in debt . . . Virgin a
golden apple and confesses that . . . pessimism. Not a neutral
observer of history . . .

one of the Dutch still lifes he's sourced for the painting. Swatches of yellow
on the painting's surface start to take form. These monochromes share the . . .

his amusement behind a neutral smile, secretly quite . . . Her tiny
Adam's Apple bobbed
up and down just above that yellow terrycloth of his . . . oh-so-sure
gambler and the oh-so-up-

front of each corresponding border. The American dissembled his amusement behind
a neutral smile, secretly quite pleased with himself. She was just too perfect

goes running by. The old grumbler sleeps, laid out by the Jacob's crackers, Dr
Tipple's Vi-Cocoa, and a white theatre or a pink something coalescing
all but one

--Halvard Johnson