

this is a poem about nothing in particular

For LL

what a poem is these Hanging off
of Lisbon” as “the symbolic kick-off

to say. - a poem about nothing in
more to build on there. - that in

still But what I find most useful
that particular poem -- I am careful

to say; 'Tis just to turn
with Wordsworth's "Tintern

- Just an open space—I see
nothing in particularif you can see

– is it an -love poem , central
collection of poems and surreal

what a poem is these Hanging off
of Lisbon” as “the symbolic kick-off

to now, where I blather on for pages
about what the poem accomplishes

wise to say. - a poem about
by Little-less-nothing!-and that

And I’m empty, I’ve nothing wise
nothing in particular to criticise

holds still in it. Excerpted
"Out, Out" I was stunned

I’m petty And I’m empty, I’ve nothing
that in thime they feel they belong

that makes you sit down to write
no reason, - Of particular note

holds still in it. Excerpted
"Out, Out" I was stunned

And I’m empty, I’ve nothing wise to
that ended it. No

I find it best - Machine
there is nothing / To be done

nothing, In particular. I’m petty And
stunned by Little-less-nothing!-and

Jew from the gas chamber. No lyric
that came with leaving and -

Website:, Fifth Dream Today

holds still in it. Excerpted
"Out, Out" I was stunned

that it is utterly false in every
true poetry, a judgment which every

that makes you sit down to write
no reason, - Of particular note

I’m petty And I’m empty, I’ve nothing
that in thime they feel they belong

Poems by Mona Van Duyn Copyright
it's back to prose, and in light