


colored lights beyond city bare kissbound perfumes motion amazing
high on wind of creatures grown from within windshield glare tirespark
blaring stereo loud thundering naked as a bat with many eyes as that
rabbiteared terrified restless feeling drop dense sexy behind grip of wheel
outerspace face stretch of ahead everything new and driven-eyed
become virgin as a shiny new sliding whole quarter june
waiting to be flipped oven-toasted chimney cricket waiting
to be borne outwards sacrificed cut free from umblical surroundings
freeform destined for a peculiarly magnificent different damned dandy
thighicularlegswrappedaround technicolor sort of incubation winedrunk
over barechested salivating horizons under shade of new called upon umbrella
true that all of this leads to this has been rationalized fishoutofwater flower
of my hymnal in oh so many different positions crazy as all hell