why don't you stop why don't I stop paying attention why don't you discover or devise supple alternatives to guarding your life that seems not to be at risk why don't I try to breathe again why don't you learn not to pay attention why don't I use my legs to walk into another room why don't you learn again to breathe why does authority even invisible weigh so much what legacy becomes inferred what is the meaning of the stones what is the meaning of unpolished stones of what specific use is varnish to the memory
pardon me for I have reasoning to do and I have feathering to think about I have tender offers to consider such as the proposed gift silence I have so far helped to fill with antonyms partly on account of nouns in jeopardy of being verbs against their will
when I write letters I use ink that makes the whiteness or the beigeness of the paper pop into a reserved young minuet of eyesight welcome home to felt potential where it's quiet and you keep your sorrow and your fear away unto yourself or you dissolve the makings of my heartache on behalf of something we believe we share for we have constantly for years shared something
always looking for a great last line. this is great.
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