

For s. t. & _nselm

The second id talks goests. Is written
text. The answer is scion phonetically.
A Celt por favor und parlez Li Po
submits mississippis of interpretations.
I. e. Olaf’s buzz saw fires the howitzer
inclement as weather. Sartre’s farts
modulate voids cantering to nocturnes.
For conflict obliviates a treasure red
as licorice on avenue dot com. A PIN
deuxième ululates / defines: one sonnet
one ode duo with trio. To rhyme is a
dime so uno yavole. What swimmingly
he admitted punning for his life: Dear
[nom de plume—noun here], Erin
[erratum] equals fraught w/ postmodern.
P. S: s. t.'s a he-gloss: _nselm's a plod.
Ennui is the oui in [is’s] torso.