my countenance is like a fenced flesh her white figure of an angel holds a secret me i hide in the blue mirror a gray day in the narrow bloom of beautiful hands she holds in blue mirror breath in scarlet gloom a caravan of choices my blood-red rusted freon wine starry jigsaw smoke of love is like a fenced torch paganly hanging from the chandelier room of pictures question me like a secret me i hide my window ghost inestimable fields of spinal lightning unfurl from glimmering apocalyptic flesh dim-sliding milesaway legs move like beautiful televisions angelical petals of braille a symphony of milk in my ears and dreaming past all gray day in the hands of a flower she spattered earth dews warm breath like gurgling radiant pain and algorithmic imaginary europe a song come down chanting hot white crashes hot white crashes and dreaming gloom a ghost fucks the current she spattered these pages with angelical earth and inestimable petals of blood-red rusted fields of spinal lightning wine of venusian freon dews warm breath like braille a symphony of gurgles radiant unfurls from dented nostrils starry jigsaw puzzles glimmering between the smoke of love and pain and algorithmic eyes gaze waltz an imaginary europe she could melt a horse petalled like the apocalypse i heard a song come down the dark milk of seven streets my countenance is like a fenced secret her white figure it is an angel it holds my flesh like a torch paganly to greet the rose hanging from the chandelier chanting high white crashes in my ears and have i been here this room is full of dim-sliding milesaway pictures dreaming past all barriers each leg moves closer to question marks zoom and 'round me roll like an idiot to it
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