


          flurry of. happy heartstrings. a see-through poison. positions of talk about. the passion must. thrilling pills. breakdown. altars of gala's other shapes. she's on predestined. on bracelet. beeping hourglass. on pedestal. it beeps is beeping. beeping golly. bleeds away a day. golly folds of. foggy folds of conciousness. collapsible fingers. foggy & collapsible. talk about. our good intentions. more pedestrian good samaritans. samaritans swimming holes in. swimming marooned fish tanks in look into her deeply. deeply into her. into her eyes. her eyes play telephone. relay the. our good intentions are see-through. positions of a passion. a passion folding is beeping. is russian rushing out. her eyes are refugee boats for good samaritans deserve fudge. relay the. a see-through flurry of heartstrings. she's on predestined pills. thrilling beeping her good looks. foggy gala. she's on 15 seconds. she's golly talk about on pedestal. relay the. it's really. really good foggy intentions. she's 15 seconds. she's gone.