They say it's some barbaric banker
in Athens, Berlin, Dublin, London,
New York, LA California;
not your average American gangster.
'It wasn't the Klan or the Skin heads Or them that blows up' different 'Churches, reincarnates us on Death Row',
But Bush, Rove, West, Limbaugh, Beck
Trump, Palin; and the rest of the fanatics
Cast on the wrong side of history, failing,
Exposed, the ignoble motives & forgettable
Lie upon lie of McCarthyen Propaganda.
24/7 falsifying public records, forged
By the immensely unimportant human ego,
Senators, governors, chiefs Of police, FBI,
CIA, State Dept, reach in illogical costume
inhumane reasoning, the lowest moral order
and poorest sanity,
Most of humanity leasing happiness
Freedom, democracy, in empires of potentates,
Hidden kings embodying powers in the blocks
Of billions they stole. Somebody stole America
A witless moron with wealthy parents
Bringing yawl tha good ol' Geronimo vibe;
Cartels and cabals plundering Columbia
Dumbocretin dem and repugnicon sneering
English we do not speak, beckoning away,
Away with Columbia's gilt, Kansas city
Banks, masses of private capital living
Breathing federal transfers of bullion
Murmuring in micro-second millions, in a blink
Numberless billions and far fetched trillions,
Olowalu, Ottawa, Oklahoma; everywhere it is
Printed, the financial system; somebody stole
It; a handful of assholes, somebody stole
America, Fort Knox, Greenwich Village, Dylan's
Soul, Hartford, Halifax, happiness, blessings,
fantastically eloquent experts on all things
modo, of the moment, contemporary American
talkers in bright bold mush, cool, detached
and lofty orators, aping toobs, ranting fools
bring it back, bring it back, bring it back
exquisitely conducted on philosophical branches
of inquiry in the salons of Cyberville.
The mannered dictions, outrageous positions,
sheer affronted vitality reflecting, perhaps,
metaphorical masters and mistresses of ancient
Cree deities, knowers of Graeco-Roman gods
from Apollo to Zeus, Eamhain, of the Apple trees
of swans and yew trees, Emerson, Eliot and Poe
tu-wit tu-wooing an American conundrum
conflating in flyte what is wrong or is right,
correct or inaccurate, kerching kerching kerching
O the memory of it sings, city shining on a high
and hollow hill, America be true, America be
brave, Columbia come wipe away our original
stain of Slavery, tears, culture, sanitize our founding
facts, transmute to modern American myth, God-
father, Pulp Fiction, inhabitants of darkness, noir
ma, on top o the world, a saintly scholar mam,
the noble arted one, hallowed jangling scripture
with conviction, true make our dream become.
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