in darkened room those verses that flower are crooked the air arms we’re in and weeping through split our winter that happened since you cured this to me distinguished animal of stone tease freak i'd almost say now lovely the moons between her legs remembered colours ache on serious and pale is harder any pain drive away all about gouge and being flesh the snowscape there the other who used to such relief best of world lives i’m in an old passion half-forgotten things this table these chairs possibly smile sleep into the eyes is better is better
Boy in dumb nude floater bank Futile by butyl on-looker in field Nomad as consequence of barrier One feared potential bacteria Glad-handed even as some peel Appealed courtesan not ire or fell New York aspect of tool coat match The toy children freaketh me new I boast as I baste and skill a lie All holiday poise and juxtaposed The drinks umbrella us to xenophobic Delirium to a night failed by scale So demonized as to brighten
i tremble you more than life itself sweetheart here's a note from our dear friend who cares so often will the world's prick in its ear hock the flannel overboard for another milennia or will it yugoslavia por favor
the soviet clouds are kindly pendulous like my good intentions were pissed into a dixie cup that fishbone umbrellas moan out try to catch some good vibe that's further from understanding than right now
painfully self and self separate exeunt bygone days become as intolerable as gimme no the chemicals never gave that momentum that om i'd scrambled after on all fours
numbed down to the slow dumbness of staring at thumb for 14 days slobbering an eternity of escape into pissing myself tightness of a closed fist
as ridiculous as drag is if it's not within 48 hours pass slowly in st. avoid's release you hospital & grill so chattering teeth of love can't either a given nor be as tropical weapon
return the gift if it doesn't suit merchandise always be perishable and gone like a tattoo when one dies forget or to forget surround myself with curtains to re-hatch
the mama and the dada within me are all ways at odds dysfunctionally sliding through warring to scar more to scare intimidate my intimations are my intimations
just when I thought present tense was making me undesirably swollen along came past tense from which to view it
naming scars. for as many adages as one can survive the horizontal there are malfeasances to weather. I have adopted lenses upon lenses through which to review what I am not making of selves left to sleep on unused shelves.
already the new life is full of me already I've replaced the numbness with new friction that I've made myself.
moon's chemical zero boils in its poisons a woman fashioned from letters marooned there moody she sighs a sand slowly her shuttered breath quite slowly she sighs oh my billowing sails
truth and doubt circle wind a way through the billiard air around she quivers a spanish season her danish lesson assasins dressed all in black and blue do her dirty work encoded overalls fashioned from letters a poison woman drinks to fatten moon's chemical zero
dirty waltz where i took you white hot in my hands daydreaming the dynamite determined to be fully
eyelids explode in chemical vision rattle the chaos contortions in the coffin of negative film playing wicked violin self and self a virgin confrontation
conflagrations of exposed flesh plateaus the pornography of being alone the pornography of being overly nostalgiac so thoroughly convinced and cumming because of
supposedly something other knows like a head-dress beyond anything you might conceivably understand utmost intricate of intricated's
the moments one sought to avoid now full frontal right there staring backing at your goofy and artificially euphoric
Calliope Nerve features poetry, short lit, reviews, commentary, quotations, and odd bits in a wide range of styles. All editions are free of charge. Back issues available.
To order this issue send your snail mail address to nobius at gmail dot com. Submission info is located here. (We are always looking for talent.) Internet link trades, advertising, and flier swaps available.
my safety fills our habitat moon sanctifies and wilderness recedes from threat to bounty watch the gentle mammals use the paved road as clay or grass or crops and go across
standstill traffic mimics heart and things evolve from the subtraction of an else
tonight is careful for our living out the sadness as a line to spool away into the distance lake accepts the leave-behind of something cast
are there mornings to be seen blooming ahead of a complexity that scrubs away the small perfection rendering unto collective mind ingredients that would enlist the heart this heart your heart
Our magnificent unified shader opened with the statement: " You helped our dimension celebrate its bi-focussedness from 17 - till 1976... "
After that the heads of state displayed their astonishing level of connected knowing. "Global warming, global trade and global democracy are all similar issues and will be addressed within the framework of our roadmap to global something"
The final joint statement "we definetely need more budget without timerestrictions for the ongoing War On Peace. This is the only way to deplete the resources which will subsequently result in an end to the W.O.P.
nothing no things to observe us to denote us as ours, caretaker our signs once blurred by evening’s mock songstress aren’t hands & eyes & hearts enough the whiskey was the fix that stirred & stirred us up a froth of ourself incongruent as axe handle to owl our life’s vile fictions melded to edges’ rank factions rank factions marched up our staircase & down the darkened hallway of our heart our accuser’s knife blade poised at our throat swigs of Jim Beam momentarily coherent saying, “make each thing seem weepy in us” all lies followed act ii of something you convinced me would goddamn be demented by insufficiencies & you & I paired off eternally in reality, caretaker come morning our dreams will seem more lucid to us than creation’s spectacular dawns come morning sunrise will appear pale & redundant a lover we manage to arouse & abandon simultaneously fading supra-logically to syllogistic infractions anima mundi we have composed this, caretaker, in signs we abandoned along highway nine our screams in the stairwell uncoil like bowels slithering through knife wounds only we survived we laid ourselves down like footprints going nowhere & yet we know it was words that led us the glare they vanished into rose above the vast horizon continuous as blindness sating disarmament’s talkative bedchamber heart we existed, caretaker, in gear-latches of framework beyond hopeless corporeality time itself stuttered & still we knew the digits said nothing but the clock to us nothing but the clock & words whirling a night-world
ailleurs (m.tuveri, g.monte, m. moore, m. rennard) s raining, der Weg ist verloren somni ocula sub umbris, omnia somni simulacra* dort hoch auf den Bergen... ecce lux pura,na hanyate* * flies over the fence, this is life
a dream between two doors une porte entre deux reves.
----------------------------------------------------- *[= dream eyes under shades, all is dream s appearance] **[=what never dies, sansk., baghavad gita]
matteo tuveri,guido monte,marianne moore, marie rennard
you (understood) waltz with friendless others till amnesia washes over you (understood) and you and you (understood) the dormitory's open all (hours) of the inflection staminatutory as a quakelit foreground only virgins are in unison absent from here as everywhere begins to be filled in with just this quaint once ness
what is it she he do through him her to each other welcome mat transient
a tremor'd recollection from excessive seeing to regret haunted eggshells kept aside passport bitten a secret rather inhabit an unseen face a code that she can't come to him or he to her a reversal screw
was it those hands hers unsupportive made the boy shoot into space from his sleep cry illumination! rather spanish fly or is this rush-about imitation leather in the night a face through the curtain spooks poke veins puncture silhouettes discounted bitters better to fade away feeling guilt on all fours for three hundred miles of gray thund'ring this
she froths in bathroom mirror her eyes are saints glued to the humming heavens of ceiling'd cocaine stars are and so into a waddling gaze that spaced this the word made flesh
why is it you taste so good so much that this and that bump and grind buoy startled contradictory immaculate roseate the q-tips of guilt the first guilt before or pre-gossip for the love of haste blurts out for god's sake in cultured comic bubbles spilling fear further than the corners of my opiated smile can cling to
no longer assumption this irritating wanting this conception assured support crutches methinks
abort the idea of numbers and fillings vodka tanks harvest frightening fish
only good for one thing a welcome mat layer sometimes only not this but this reconfigure based on definition of sucking on and on blessing folded soul food
there are no diamonds in this knee jerk simply some needed thing to yawn a gallery of shifty positions some writhing yarn paws around a tale some gimme some shadow to blush and grind your fragile cheeks by so alone
earth won't disclose what it truly knows won't reveal perhaps a concealed weapon to cure this sleepwalking sickness never want go back to the classification unit the shrill cries of enduring sweats tremors nausea what is best to look forward to a lifetime perplexed binging on detox'd solitude detox'd carnivals detox'd crossword puzzles detox'd knitting jesus we can't look those over there in the eye right now we're paralyzed in the face of an increasing legion of illusion the crazy patterns not the monkey bars keep us sane so together the crazy patterns on our ceiling are flowers we've urge to steal
my childish winter with her my lover went away with my tongue her the wind a scene rolls chills like help-bound don't let me leaf come back home yes save myself i was speaking not years ago but again & had my cake in a bed-thin forest
where's my hiving contradictory thrill my dignity in the sun that golden chain something i weave unaware 'neath eyes just like telling welcome is hard to in frowns & shivers come or know
looks lately dirty with step over i am still alive on paper to endure for something anymore often in promise to face this room & its empties believing better in the night that disappointment
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